Friday, May 1, 2009

Teaching Experience

Teaching in Japan:
September 1958 to September 1960
  • Taught in Miyagi Gakuin Women’s Academy (Gakuin), Sendai, Miyagi-ken, Japan.• Taught English pronunciation and grammar to 9th and 10th grades as well as college freshmen and sophomores.
  • Taught typing to English majors at the college level to prepare them for working in trading companies after graduation.
  • Taught college students at UNESCO so they could practice English.
  • Taught Tohoku University scientists at Institute for Scientific Instruments.
Teaching in U.S.:
  • Tutored English as a second language to Japanese scientists and their families who came to Los Alamos to do joint research with Laboratory scientists beginning in the late 1970s. Families usually stayed for a year. Welcomed wives into Los Alamos Garden Club membership.
  • Consultant to Los Alamos County to teach parliamentary procedure to Boards and Commissions. Presentation was filmed and shown to new board members for orientation.
After “Silent Voices” was published:
  • Taught history class and teachers’ writing class at University of NM/Gallup, NM branch, 2008.
  • Taught in one hour sessions each, 6th, 7th, 8th graders (about 100 students in each grade) at West Las Vegas, NM, spring 2008.
  • Taught 9th graders using Silent Voices as a textbook in Los Alamos High School, Los Alamos, NM, history class, to help meet state requirement to teach contemporary NM history, 2007.
  • Taught middle-school level classes (five sessions) for two days about Silent Voices in lieu of the Pojoaque school having a textbook. Later the teacher purchased textbooks for classes because of the level of the book and also comprehensiveness of the material for social studies goals to be covered, 2007.
  • Taught NM teachers being trained to prepare lesson plans from kindergarten through high school to teach about internment and peoples’ displacement under a grant to the University of NM Education Department from the Japanese American National Museum, 2006.
  • Taught 2-6th graders selected to help write and perform an opera about the Santa Fe Internment Camp at the Carlos Gilbert Elementary School, Santa Fe, with a grant from the History Channel and assistance from the Santa Fe Opera personnel. Was invited to make comments at the performance for parents, 2006.
  • Taught several hundred elementary school students (3rd to 6th grade) in one lecture and several hundred students high school students (7th to 12th grade) at Fort Sumner, NM, home of the Atomic Admiral Deak Parsons, 2006.
  • Taught Brigham Young University class on "Japanese-American Internment: Topaz Plus," Fall 2005, Ogden, Utah, Professor B. Daynes.
  • Taught 4th graders about Santa Fe Internment Camp to Longfellow School, Albuquerque, NM to prepare them for writing and performing a play depicting the experiences of Japanese Americans evacuated under military order to leave the West Coast, 2004.
  • Taught South Valley Academy teachers about the NM National Guard in the Philippines,
  • Albuquerque, 2003.
New Mexico Humanities Council Chautauqua Speakers
Go to their web site and search for Nancy Bartlit to schedule her for a lecture

Contact Bartlit/Buy Silent Voices

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